Paleo Pancakes For Valentines Day

Photo by Lynn Donaldson
Photo by Lynn Donaldson
Photo by Lynn Donaldson
Photo by Lynn Donaldson

Happy belated Valentine’s Day!  I don’t feel too bad for the tardy post as I think we should celebrate love (and chocolate) everyday!!

I got to go to my daughter’s class last Friday, and cook a Valentine’s breakfast for her and her classmates.  Of course,  I highly suggested doing a grain free pancake, and was met with eagerness from her teacher and Lynn (my co-cook and friend and the photographer who took these awesome photos).

On a side note Lynn has a BEAUTIFUL blog featuring all things Montana with a heavy emphasis on food,  you NEED to check it out HERE.  She is a very talented photo-journalist as you will plainly see when you go to her blog!!

Okay if I haven’t lost you to Lynn’s blog, onto the paleo pancakes.  I love these as they are so easy and fast to make and taste delicious.  I watched as the kids threw away their plates and 90% of them were empty,  I think they enjoyed the pancakes!

Paleo Pancakes or Banana Plantain Pancakes

1 Medium sized Green Plantain Peeled and cut into chunks

 or use 2 Bananas if you don’t have a green plantain*

1 Medium Sized Banana

*(the green Plantain with its starch gives these pancakes more substance and makes them less delicate to work with)

2 Eggs (if you like a dense pancake) 3 Eggs (if you like them a little fluffier)

1 TBL Vanilla

2 TBL Coconut Oil or Butter

1/4 Tsp Salt

1/4 Tsp Baking Soda

  1. Throw all the ingredients into a high speed blender or food processor and mix until smooth. If the batter seems thick add another egg this will depend on the size of your banana and plantain. 
  2. Heat up a skillet to med-high and add your preferred fat ie. butter, ghee, coconut oil
  3. Pour the batter onto the skillet in the desired pancake size.
  4. Make sure to let the pancakes cook well on the first side (don’t flip until you see some bubbles), especially if they are all banana, as they will be a bit delicate to flip.
  5. When done plate them and serve with maple syrup, fruit syrup or whipped cream or all three!  Serves- 2 hungry adults- makes about 8 normal sized cakes

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